
We love to sail in the British Virgin Islands.

The British Virgin Islands, the BVI, are over 50 islands in the Carribean. They are perfect islands for sailing and have a large tourist and charter industry. Great sailing winds, relaxed people and plenty of small islands and beaches make this a favorite destination for many vacationers.

We like to sail there because:

  • The people are super friendly – both the local people and all the people there to sail.
  • It’s very sailing friendly with lots of charter companies, businesses that cater to sailors, mooring balls and a bar on every beach to get ice or food.
  • It’s easy sailing.
    • The winds are consistent but not too strong.
    • The islands (except for Anegada)are all line of sight.
    • There are no tides.
    • The weather is always nice, between 70 and 80 degrees F.
  • The islands are not over developed. While there are plenty of restaurants, there isn’t a lot of shopping except in Road Town and Virgin Gorda.
  • The water is warm and the snorkelling is amazing!

Feel free to leave a note below about your favorite trip to the BVI – or tell us what your dream trip would be.

Come explore, learn and share with us!

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